Reasons for Heaven's Silence

Reasons for Heaven's Silence

Most Christians have the mindset that when Heaven goes silent on them, when God remains quiet about recent happenings, it means that God has forsaken them. Most of the time, Heaven remains calm for several reasons.

1) Testing your patience: Many times, Heaven tests if you are a patient Christian by prolonging the answers to your prayer requests (Read Job).

2) Not the right time for answers: There is a time for everything, both in Heaven and on Earth. Sometimes, the delay in the answer to one's prayer can be because the person's time of breakthrough hasn't come yet.

3) Sin: Sin can be a major blockage for prayers to be answered. It blocks and destroys communication between us and Heaven.

4) Another power speaking: Sometimes prayers are left unanswered because there is another power stronger than ours that is speaking out.

5) The will of God: Heaven sometimes delays answers to one's prayers to fulfill the will of Almighty God, who has already planned the present and future for all.