First thing to do when you phone is lost or stolen

First thing to do when you phone is lost or stolen

When people lose or have their phones stolen, many individuals often immediately block their bank accounts and contact the people listed in their missing phone. However, this approach overlooks a crucial step.

The first action to take should be blocking the SIM card, particularly if it is linked to your BVN (Bank Verification Number), which holds all the money in your bank account. This measure also safeguards your social media accounts from easy hacking, as they are often connected to your phone number. The process is simple: use another person's phone on the same network and call the customer service of your network provider. They will ask you some questions, and once you provide the correct information, your line will be blocked immediately.

It's worth noting that most criminals are not interested in the phone itself but rather the money stored within it. This explains why thieves sometimes target even basic phones like Nokia touch phones.