Sabinus reveals the reason he detests showing girls sensitive parts during his comedy skit.

Sabinus reveals the reason he detests showing girls sensitive parts during his comedy skit.

Sabinus reveals the reason he detests showing girls sensitive parts during his comedy skit. According to him, he wants to make comedy comfortable for everyone to watch, including both adults and children. He also questions why a lady would need to display her breasts and buttocks in a comedy show.

He said:

"I have been in situations where some people would say, 'Sabinus, I want to join your comedy [group], I can do anything.' I would kindly decline and assign them a different role.

There was also an instance where I was about to shoot and a girl asked, 'Do you expect me to wear a wrapper?' I replied, 'My sister, that's what I prefer. It suits the story.'

"Sometimes, you may need an attractive girl, but she doesn't have to expose her buttocks and breasts."