Reasons why you should think twice before fighting

Reasons why you should think twice before fighting

Quarrels often arise between people of all genders, but whether or not a separation occurs depends on how you react to the situation. Fighting should be considered as a last resort, as it usually leads to the end of a friendship.

Let's explore four factors you should consider before engaging in a fight:

1) It is not the final encounter: Given that the world is relatively small and unpredictable, you never know when you might cross paths with the person again. Consider the possibility that you might require their assistance in the future. Do you think they would be willing to help you if you've previously physically harmed them?

2)There may be repercussions and damages to address later: It is highly likely that both parties will face consequences and be required to compensate for any physical or emotional damages resulting from the fight.

3) It can sever long-lasting bonds: As friends, it is crucial to avoid resorting to physical violence when faced with conflict. Engaging in a fight has transformed many friendships into enmity. Instead, opt for open communication and peaceful resolution.

4) Fatalities can occur during the altercation: As they say, "it's the little things that matter in life."

 A single punch to a vulnerable or sensitive area of the body can lead to severe injury or even death. Keep in mind that law enforcement and authorities will not overlook such incidents.

The most effective way to prevent a fight is to remove yourself from the tense environment immediately.