Lady koi koi

Lady koi koi

"Lady Koi Koi, that's what they call her. You can't escape her grip. She knows everything. You can't see her, but whenever you dare see her, she must take you to her land." The class aunty kept praising the spirit as she continued telling her class the story of Lady Koi Koi.

Ezechi was full of doubts and asked a series of questions, but he still wasn't satisfied. He wanted to see more with his own eyes. Being a boarder, he waited until 1 am. His target point was the classroom where most students said they heard the lady's heel sounds. At first, he didn't hear anything as he walked from block to block until he reached the last block. The sound was getting closer, resembling that of Lady Koi Koi. Ezechi ran down the stairs, soon hearing footsteps coming up from below.

His flashlight grew dim as he made turns, running away from the koi sound. He ran into one of the classrooms and hid under a bench, planning to stay there until morning. The koi sound approached the classroom and stopped. Ezechi felt a cold presence. Someone was standing behind him. In fear, he looked up, only to be surprised that it was his class aunty. "Now that you have confirmed Miss Koi Koi exists, what comes next in the story?" the aunty asked with a cold, dry voice.