Spied Anger

Spied Anger

Why are you still sticking to Amaka that assless girl that is close to the ground. Amos said looking at me seriously, trying to force out words from my mouth. Just for the money bro, never spent since I have been in this relationship instead she has been the one spending and bro keep it down she might hear you.  

After few minutes Amaka entered the room, probably coming out from the kitchen. Our wife material. Amos hailed her as she entered the room. Amaka smiled, turning both ways. Mike, am off. Amos said as he left leaving the bedroom door ajar. Let me check what am cooking, she left afterwards. Few minutes later she came with a plate full of food and a huge meat added.

 I didn't waste time eating the meat first then asked for an extra. You can collect as many as you want. The pot is filled already. Correct wife material. I hailed as I made my way to the kitchen. In the corridor I saw drops of blood on the floor which lead to the kitchen. Shocked, I mistakenly pushed the big pot that was kept on the table. The meats fell, splashing with a great sound. Among the meat was Amos head and d*ck. It was then I realized that I just ate my friend's meat. I felt a presence someone probably standing at my back. “And what were you saying about money?” the person said...