Disadvantage of having s3x in the dream

Disadvantage of having s3x in the dream

Having sex in a dream has its disadvantages. Many people consider it a normal occurrence connected to thoughts of lust before sleeping, but that belief is incorrect. Engaging in sexual activities in a dream can have negative effects both spiritually and physically.

Let's examine the disadvantages of having sex in a dream:

It can negatively impact your physical performance: Although this is not applicable in most cases, it can reduce someone's ability to engage in sexual activities with their partner.

The spiritual aspect is severe, as it involves potential spiritual consequences:

1.It can attract negative entities to those you have dreamt of sleeping with.

2.It can potentially lead to divorce in a marriage.

3.It can result in a series of failures.

4. It may repel potential romantic partners, both men and women.

The term "IT" in this context refers to the spirit. In many cases, the entity that appears in the dream as the opposite or same sex is believed to be a demon attempting to engage in sexual activity. If you experience this, it is advised to rebuke the demon or consult your pastor for guidance.